Unravelling the Skein of Mass Movements
India has
literally been through a churning process in recent times, with so many incidents
testing systemic capacities for survival. We have seen the rise of an
increasingly assertive and demanding civil society in recent times, which
reflects the ‘revolution of rising aspirations’. The same seems to be quite in
sync with the trends world over, what with the ‘Occupy Wall Street Movement’ in
the US, the Spring and Jasmine Revolution in the Middle East and similar
uprisings elsewhere. The ‘demonstration effect’, unleashed by Alvin Toffler’s
Third Wave as represented by the means of mass communication including print
and electronic media and, of course, the World Wide Web, has been spurring the
hoi polloi to rise against the perceived ills of their society everywhere.
People, led by the self-appointed do-gooder guardians, have taken up the cudgel
to cleanse the system wherever and whenever they have got an opportunity.
Our countrymen
were up in arms lately when a movement led by Anna Hazare gave them an
opportunity to ventilate their ire against the quotidian venality faced by them.
The media had a field day covering and demonizing the usual suspects. The Lok Pal
Bill was championed, inter alia, by the ilks of Anna Hazare, Baba Ramdev, Swami
Agnivesh, Kiran Bedi and Arvind Kejriwal as a panacea for all the ills afflicting
our society. But is a Lok Pal Bill really the answer to all our woes? Observers
are suspect as to whether another institution will work where so many others
have seemingly not delivered as per our expectations or whether another
legislation will come good when plethora of rules and laws has come to naught.
One does get
a hunch that the insistence and confidence placed on the effectiveness and
fungibility of the proposed Ombudsman called Lok Pal has been overdone. And it
has been done without properly grasping and appreciating the real problems of
the system. The Lok Pal, as proposed by Team Anna, is an over-simplification of
the perceived ills, to say the least. In fact, many found the thrashing of a
Team Anna member by an anti-social to be quite a poetic justice because it was
the same Anna Hazare, who once supported slapping a politician for his/her
misdeeds. Baba Ramdev similarly had ink bespattered on his face by some
ruffians. It was a deserved comeuppance for someone who advocated Kangaroo
courts, many felt. After all, you can’t say that my violence is better than
yours or my cause is better and nobler than yours. Team Anna was paid back in
its own coin and very soon, many felt. Advocating unjust means even for just
causes is never advisable. It is like nurturing a Frankenstein who shall sooner
than later devour its mentor for sure.
Just think of
another remedy by Monsieur Anna Hazare where he advocates flogging a drunkard
to make him/her mend his/her ways, a system reportedly followed in his village
Ralegaon Siddhi in Maharashtra. If we were to follow his recommendations, we
shall end up beating up almost one-third of our countrymen. And God only knows
where shall that eventuate. The Kangaroo justice he champions has no place in any
civilized society, more so in a democracy. So, when Anna Hazare argued that
people are above parliament, he was conveniently talking only about the
demonstrating masses, supporting his movement initially.
Over 1.2
billion people who voted our lawmakers to that august institution called
parliament are definitely much above than a few thousand people pressing for a
cause, howsoever justified. What was reprehensible was the arrogance of Team
Anna in dictating a particular type of the Lok Pal Bill against the collective
wisdom of the parliament. The government and the parliament have both
appreciated the need for such an institution but chutzpah of the Team Anna to
not accept anything less than what it has been proposing is nothing short of
heaping contempt on the institution of parliament and thereby on our democratic
If Team Anna
is really convinced about the popular support to its cause, it should either contest
elections or should convince the parliament through dialogue and not by
intimidation and bullying. They should remember that when you resort to a
hunger strike or build a movement to blackmail or browbeat the parliament
thereby holding the entire system to ransom, you are actually subverting the
system. Just think of the implications thereof. Today, we had a crusade against
corruption. Tomorrow, anyone with some following anywhere shall resort to
similar tactics to press for his/her demands across the country and there shall
literally be created a shambolic situation of chaos and commotion. Subversion
of democratic institutions is an open invitation to anarchy and anomie. So, if
Anna Hazare champions slapping a politician or any wrong-doer, he ought not to
complain if one of his team members is attacked and beaten up, observers feel.
One does feel that that the goals that these gentlemen are pursuing are
definitely noble, but their means are deeply flawed.
Today, many
members of the civil society who have been agitating are the same people who
would never come forward to contest elections to test their real acceptability
by the people and shoulder the responsibility themselves. Many of these people
would not flinch from violating a traffic rule, breaking a queue or bribing to
get his/her work expedited. After all, you get what you deserve. Remember, the
values and ethics of a society are always reflected by our behaviour. The
parliament, the bureaucracy or any other institution does not come out of the
thin air. Their members are from the same civil society and as such, they are
reflective of our society and its values.
remember, corruption is not only about misusing or abusing your position for
personal benefits. Corruption is also when you take or give dowry, when you
advocate discrimination based on caste, religion or any other criterion, when
you indulge in female foeticide, when you break a queue, when you discriminate
with people because of their colour or place of origin or when you do anything
which is against the norms of a civilized society.
And there
are examples galore to prove that we as a society have a long way to go to
build a wider consensus on positive societal values. Notwithstanding this,
Indian society has sundry shining examples to give us hope for the future. We
have all the potential to be a great society and such mass movements are
reflective of its desire to come to terms with its realities. However, the
methods and modalities of such movements have to be more positive and
constructive than they have been so far. The media and the civil society should
come together in a constructive partnership to take on the coalition of vested
and entrenched interests to build an India, which is really shining, really
Those who
have been ill-mouthing our system conveniently forget that it is because of the
opportunity afforded by the same system that they have been freely speaking and
doing what they have been speaking or doing. An authoritarian or fascistic
system would have crushed such protests right away. Just remember what happened
in China way back in 1989 at the Tiananmen Square. Had the Indian system not
been resilient and inherently strong, it would have given way long back. But
Indian democracy, belying all the prophets of doom, has been marching from
strength to strength.
After all,
for all its weaknesses, our country has never seen a violent and bloody change
of the government. All such changes have been through the ballot and as per the
mandate of the mighty electorate of our great country. Government, here, has
fallen even by a single vote, which further underlines the strength of our
democracy. So, all those naysayers and cynics have got their basics wrong as
they seem not to have tried to fathom the basic nuances and workings of our
parliamentary democracy before pouring scorns on the same.
That is why,
one feels that resolution of any such problem should always be done through a
societal consensus and without subverting our institutions. And in a democracy,
no institution reflects this consensus better than the parliament. The diamond
jubilee celebrations of Indian parliamentary democracy is yet another milestone
in our march to maturity as the largest democracy of this planet.
Notwithstanding the fact that our parliamentary democracy has been panned by
some prominent members of the civil society for its myriad flaws and foibles,
the fact remains that we continue to remain one of the most shining examples of
a functioning democracy.
1 comment:
Indeed you have broached upon a subject of great importance. I would love to contribute to the subject; rather I would like to chase the subject down to core. I fully agree with your apprehension whether Lok Pal Bill has all in one to cure-all of our woes? I also have several other questions which might shake up intelligentsia of the country.
You may like to agree that Germany is one of the most intellectual countries in the world. It has given to the world people like Kant, Hegel, Feuerbach, Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, Martin Heidegger -- great philosophers, great psychologists. And still a third-class crackpot, Adolf Hitler, managed to get all the intelligentsia of the country to follow him………….why and how come?
Why developed nations are less corrupt than us, though we claimed to be more religious contrary to them being highly materialistic……..Why and how come?
Would a Brahmin and Shudra be sitting side by side, had Bullock cart (Bailgari) still been the medium of transport in India? Just the introduction of Rail made that possible that to 150 yrs back?...........What are the drivers of change in the society?
Can a village exist without subject (people)? You may only recommend to write off the name of village from the list if a village is deserted……….....The question of great importance is who is more important – people or society/system/institution?
A district collector may get angry if somebody offers him/her a bribe of Rs 100, it doesn’t mean that he/she is not corrupt. It is just that briber treated DC at par with the rate of peon/clerk….. Can you think of a person who simply can not be corrupted? ……..We may call him anything - weird/crazy/Absolute/Budhha……Do we know - what makes him/her so?
I will now dwell upon perspectives which might help to find answers to questions raised above:
Martin Heidegger was perhaps one of the most significant philosophers of the century, and he was a contemporary of Adolf Hitler. He supported Adolf Hitler -- inconceivable! He gave the intelligentsia their ego as nobody had given them before. He said to them that the Nordic German race is the purest Aryan race, and it is its destiny to rule over the world, because all others are subhuman. It was tremendously gratifying. The intellectual ego was very much fulfilled, and even a man like Martin Heidegger fell into the trap.
There is a perspective of love/dedication/purpose which electrifies the experience of a human being beyond temptation of being powerful, being glamorous and being hero amongst people. Individualistic society in the developed nation fosters individual’s love/aspiration/purpose; unlike we are swayed by majority. They are not bounded by fetters of any inherited orthodoxy. They are neither servile nor corruptible.
There also exists the perspective of Budhha which I believe is transcendental. When Buddha experienced highest perspective of human life; he said, this world is “maya”. It doesn’t mean you or I do not exist. It simply means that our energy will never be directed towards the highest perspective of life unless we are self actualized. The self actualization is the realization of futility of temptation of this physical world and it is the first step towards highest destiny of human life. These people are simply incorruptible!
Mass movement such as Mr Anna Hazare’s crusade against corruption may ensure incremental transparency, but it will never be able to make fundamental changes. The real purging of the society/system/institution can happen if their creator becomes self actualized.
One candid comment: the article is higly motivated and intended to provide intellectual colour to the custodian of constitution. You may delete this line before posting.
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