How Civil is Our Civil Society?
*Dr. Saumitra Mohan
India has slowly and
steadily been growing as a modern state. However, we are still far from being a
country that our forefathers visualized, a vision aptly enshrined in the lofty
ideals of our Constitution. The most sacred document of the Indian Republic
envisaged India to be a sovereign, socialist, secular and democratic republic
which would secure to its citizens justice, liberty, equality and fraternity.
We have all these traits in the extant Indian state, but given the state of
affairs today, cynics find each of them to have been hugely compromised.
As citizens of the largest democracy, we desire them all
but flinch from doing anything as are expected of its people. While government,
politicians and bureaucrats are the favourite punching bags of almost everyone,
we definitely lack the character to deserve the honour of living up to our
Constitutional ideals by repeatedly engaging in conduct unbecoming of a ‘great
nation’. Many observers hold poor value education to be the parent reason for a
poor national character which focuses on self-aggrandizement at the expense of
the community. A sense of duty is conspicuous by its absence in a predominant
majority of our civil society. People are usually apathetic when it comes to
their duties vis a vis the country.
Today, venality and crimes as rampant in our society
definitely don’t offend our sensibilities. This is very much reflected in the iterated
returns of many lawmakers with criminal background as they are supposed to be
treated as such till proved guilty. People see absolutely no problem with the
same. In fact, such people are often admired and idolized. There is a general
love for mediocrity or easy success which leads most of us to seek refuge in
short-cuts through reservations or nepotistic politics as the movements of Jats, Gujjars or Patels demonstrate. While the Supreme Court, in a welcome
judgement, recently quashed as unconstitutional section 8 (4) of the
Representation of the People Act (RPA) that protected the membership of an MP
or MLA if he or she files an appeal within three months of conviction, there
still remain many grey areas which compromise the said landmark judgement.
While the common citizens often excoriate the powers that
be for their involvement with various public wrongs, there are innumerable
instances where citizens themselves have been found to be engaging in dubious
acts given an opportunity. One has come across several instances where citizens
unduly pocket wages under the employment guarantee scheme without any work,
where government grants for housing are not utilized for the original purpose
or where people granted government funds for a particular purpose seldom used
the same for the purpose allotted. We regale ourselves by indulging in
vandalism of government properties or by enforcing a crippling strike or ‘bandh’ to finagle a demand.
Today, a mob of ten to twenty persons are sufficient to
sabotage a positive initiative. There are organised cartels of middlemen who flourish
on these systemic weaknesses by masterminding encroachment of government
properties. They also ensure sabotage of a well-conceived government initiative
in collusion and connivance with the entrenched vested interests. The system being
opaque and byzantine, the common citizen has to run from pillar to post before
she gets her rightful due but definitely not before a few palms have been
greased. A common citizen still finds it difficult to get her way through the
complicated mumbo jumbo in a government office to obtain a particular service.
However, the same citizen would not forgo an opportunity to tweak the system if
she has an opportunity.
We have internalized spitting, littering, open defecation
and urination as our birthrights. Someone rightly said, tongue firmly in cheek,
that an Indian can’t resist the sight of a wall though observers would also
point towards the dearth of sufficient number of public conveniences across the
length and breadth of this country. But even where there are, we resist using
them to save a penny or two. As a nation, we don’t want to be subjected to any
regulation to prevent us from indulging in these civic improprieties though we
are usually at our behavioural best while abroad.
We admire better hygiene and better traffic discipline
abroad, but would breach the same back home at the first instance. We condemn
our system for churning out unemployed youths, but don’t like working hard to
acquire knowledge. There have rather been numerous instances where students
have demanded their right to copy in an examination. It is the same discards
who later become a burden as they fail to acquire a skill with employability. Rights
are forcefully demanded, but duties are detested.
As citizens of a functioning democracy, we love populist
policies and government bounties. Free electricity, free Wifi, free water, free
books, free housing, free transport, free health facilities, free education and
et al are some of the things we always desire the state to be providing its
citizens and we take them for granted. One does not mind as long as they are
provided to the deserving sections of society, but problem starts when
undeserving segments try to corner these benefits through devious means. Not
only that, after we get these government-provided benefits, we care two hoots
for using the same responsibly. So wasting water, electricity or prostituting
any free service is our favourite pastime. It is this want of deference for
public resources that come back to haunt us through poor infrastructures as
symptomatic of a backward country.
We want the State to be prompt and efficient in its
service delivery but conscientized citizens of the same State, we ourselves
would not do our bit wherever applicable to ensure the same. They forget that
it is the people who make the country and not the other way round. We resent
nepotism and favouritism in government service delivery, but would not mind
peddling influence to seek undue favours through communitarian favouritism or
in other inappropriate ways as are usually experienced in an underdeveloped
country. The proposed plans to develop smart cities would prove still-born if
we don’t have smart citizens who would be willing to make expected sacrifices for
a dignified living.
We underreport our income and consequently underpay our
taxes but we resent it when the government complains of resource crunch to
provide for the basic amenities. Digging the road for a private purpose, piling
building materials or shop stuffs on public roads, tapping of water sources or
electricity is a common sight in this country but the same people would
complain of congested roads, contaminated water or load-shedding without
realizing that it is their selfish actions which are affecting the qualities of
many of these services.
Observers feel that notwithstanding a huge number of laws
and rules, the corresponding enforcement continues to be problematic. While you
pay a hefty 1000 dollar fine for littering in a developed country or for a
traffic violation, you can get away without any penalty in India through
various ‘desi jugad’
(influence-peddling). Sometimes, the systemic imperfections also hamstring the
functioning of rule of law in this country as the law-abiding citizens have no
ways to get their rightful dues. Today, hundreds of thousands of applications
for a fire license or a building plan are allegedly pending in different
government offices for aeons, unless you decide to pass on the speed money to
those in the gravy train.
services in the government today are rightly being outsources for the inability
to deliver the same to the citizens in a timely, transparent and efficient
manner. Similarly, many other critical services with substantive time and cost
overruns including passing a building plan or issuance of a statutory license
should also be outsourced with detailed oversight mechanism. Information
technology need to be suitably harnessed for provisioning of most of these
services as already being done for various types of government services.
E-governance is definitely the way to the future.
Till the citizens understand and appreciate their
responsibilities, as a country, we shall continue to grovel in the dust. One
only hopes that we shall soon awaken as a nation by acting as responsible
citizens of a great nation that we want to be otherwise the time may soon run
out on us.
*The views expressed here
are personal and don’t reflect those of the Government.